Consent to the processing of personal data

  1. Dencop Lighting spol. s r.o. registered office Tečovská 1122, Zlin-Malenovice, 76302 Czech Republic, VAT ID: CZ25566130, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by Court house in Brno, section C 34121 (“Administrator“), processes the personal data of their customers as natural persons (data subjects). In the matter of processing their personal data, the data subjects may contact the Administrator at the following e-mail address
  2. The Administrator will process the identification and contact details of the data subjects and the details gathered by the Administrator in the performance of the contract concluded with the data subject (“contract“).
  3. The Administrator shall process personal data of the data subject for the purposes of:
    1. 1 Performance of the contract based on Section 6 (1) (b) Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council n. 2016/679 as of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC ("GDPR");
    2.  2 Compliance with legal obligations of the Administrator established by a legally binding regulation based on Section 6 (1) (c) GDPR (such as the obligation for the Administrator to keep accounting and tax documents)
    3.  3 Determination, performance or defense of the claims of the Administrator, based on Section 6 (1) (f) GDPR; a
    4.  4 Sending business messages, based on Section 6 (1) (f) GDPR due to the legitimate interest of the Administrator consisting in direct marketing
  4. Personal data will only be held for the time of processing. With respect to the above mentioned:
    1. 1 For purpose of point 3.1 (mentioned above) pesonal data will be processed until the termination of contract obligations. The possibility of the Administrator to further of personal data (to the extent necessary) for the purposes of points 3.2, 3.3 and / or 3.4 (mentioned above) remains unaffected.
    2. 2 For the purpose of point 3.2 (mentioned above) personal data will be processed for the duration of the applicable legal duty of the Administrator.
    3. 3 For the purpose of point 3.3 (above) personal data will be processed until the 4th of the following calendar year after the warranty period according to the contract if a quality guarantee has been agreed in the contract, but at least until the expiration of the 5th of the following calendar year after the termination of the contractual obligations. In case of the commencement and continuation of judicial, administrative or other proceedings, in which the rights or responsibilities of the Administrator are being resolved in relation to the corresponding data subject; the processing of personal data for the purpose of point 3.3 (above) will not terminate before the end of such proceedings.
    4. 4 For the purpose of sending business messages according to point 3.4 (above) personal data will be processed until the data subject expresses their disagreement with such processing.
  5. Personal data where the purpose of its processing has ceased will be eliminated (by shredding or by other means to ensure that unauthorized persons would not see them) or anonymized. It will happen no later than the end of the following calendar quarter, after the processing period referred to in point 4 (above).
  6. The Administrator is entitled to hand personal data to the recipients, with whom they have concluded the contract of processing the personal data and who will deal with the personal data as processors (working for the Administrator).
  7. In connection to the processing of their personal data, the data subjects have various rights, including the right to demand from the Administrator access to their personal data (under the terms of Section 15 of the GDPR), their adjustment or deletion (under the terms of Section 16 or Section 17 of the GDPR), or processing restrictions (under the terms of Section 18 of the GDPR), objection against processing (under the terms of Section 21 of the GDPR) as well as rights to data portability (under the terms of section 20 of the GDPR).
  8. If the data subject believes that their personal data has been processed in contradiction to the law, they have the right to contact the Administrator with a request for rectification.  In case of the data subject's request being found justified, the Administrator will immediately remove the malfunction. This does not affect the data subject's right of submiting a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  9. Providing personal data is a contractual requirement. There is no legal obligation for the data subject to provide personal data, but the Administrator needs it for the conclusion and performance of the contract.

    DENCOP LIGHTING spol. s r.o.